
SPF Record Generator Tool

Generate an SPF record for your domain

An SPF record defines which servers and domains are permitted to send emails on behalf of your organization.

Setup SPF Record

Follow these step-by-step instructions to setup your SPF record

Now that you've successfully generated your SPF record, complete the setup by creating a TXT record for your domain. The process will be similar for most domain registrars and hosting providers with some small differences.

  1. Log into your Account
  2. Navigate to the Domains page
  3. You should see a list of all your domains; click on the domain
  4. Click on DNS or Edit DNS
  5. Then click on Host Records or Edit Host Records
  6. Now you will have the option to create a new record
  7. For the record Type select TXT
  8. For the Host/Name field enter the @ character or your domain (, both are acceptable
  9. For the Content/Value field copy and paste the SPF record we generated for you
  10. For the TTL field leave it as-is to use the default value
  11. Click Save to complete your updates (allow up to 48 hours for your DNS changes to take full effect globally)

Here is an example SPF record to guide you.

If these instructions are not helpful enough, select instructions for some of the most popular domain registrars and hosting providers.

Don't see your registrar or provider in the dropdown? Send us a message so we can add it to the list.
  1. Log in to your GoDaddy Domain Control Center
  2. Select your domain to access the Domain Settings page
  3. Under Additional Settings, select Manage DNS
  4. Select ADD below the table of your existing DNS records
  5. Choose TXT from the record options drop down menu
  6. For the Host field enter the @ character or your domain (, both are accepted
  7. For the TTL field enter 1440
  8. For the TXT Value field paste the SPF record we generated for you
  9. Select Save to complete your updates (allow up to 48 hours for your DNS changes to take full effect globally)
  1. Sign in to your BlueHost account
  2. On the left side of your screen click Domains
  3. Next to the domain you're setting up, click the Manage down arrow and select DNS
  4. Scroll to the TXT (Text) section and click Add record
  5. For Host Record, enter @
  6. For TXT Value, paste the SPF record we generated for you
  7. For the TTL, leave the default value of 4 hours
  8. Click Save
  1. Sign in to your CloudFlare account
  2. Select the domain you wish to setup
  3. Click on the DNS tab
  4. Click on Add Record
  5. For Type select TXT
  6. For Name enter the @ character
  7. For TTL, leave it on Auto
  8. For the Content field paste the SPF record we generated for you
  9. Click Save
  10. Once saved, switch the Proxy Status to DNS only
  1. Log in to your account in the DigitalOcean DNS Panel
  2. Click on the domain you want to modify
  3. Click the Add Record button
  4. Select the TXT record type
  5. Type your subdomain or @ (to indicate your current domain name) in the first field
  6. Paste the SPF record we generated for you in the second field
  7. Click on the Create button to save all the modifications you did on the page
  1. Sign in to your eNom account
  2. In the header, under Domains, click My Domains
  3. On the My Domain page, select the domain name that you’re verifying
  4. In the Manage Domain drop-down list, choose Host Records
  5. On the Edit Host Records page, if there is not already a blank row, click the + new row button to add a new host record row.
  6. In the new row, set the Host Name field to the name of your subdomain (e.g. "mail" if your email address is [email protected]), or leave it blank if you do not use a subdomain
  7. Select TXT from the Record Type drop-down menu
  8. Paste the SPF record we generated for you in the Address field
  9. Click the save button
  1. Log in to your Account Manager
  2. Click Domains on the menu bar at the top of the page
  3. Click the Domain Name that you wish to manage. If you only have one domain, you will automatically be redirected to its management page
  4. Scroll down to the DNS Settings section and click the Hamburger Menu on the right, then select Add Record (or to update an existing record: hover your cursor over the TXT Record and click the Modify option that appears on its right)
  5. Select TXT Record from the drop-down menu, then click the Add button
  6. Enter the Sub Domain if necessary, followed by the Text Record in the corresponding fields
  7. Click Update
  1. Log in to your IONOS account
  2. For the desired domain, click on the gear symbol under Actions and select DNS
  3. Click Add Record and select TXT under Type
  4. In the Host name field, type the @ character
  5. In the Value field, paste the SPF record we generated for you
  6. Click Save, the TXT record has now been added
  1. Log in to your Namecheap account
  2. Choose Domain List on the left and click on the Manage button next to your domain
  3. Navigate to the Advanced DNS tab from the top menu and click on the Add new record button
  4. Select TXT Record for Type, paste the SPF record we generated for you into the Value field and for the Host field enter the @ character or your domain (
  5. Click on the Save all changes button. Normally, it takes 30 minutes for newly created host records to take effect.
  1. Log in to your DreamHost account
  2. On the left menu, click on the Manage Domains link
  3. Click on the DNS link below your desired domain
  4. For Name enter your subdomain or leave this field empty if you want the SPF to be applied to your main domain
  5. For Type select the TXT record type
  6. For Value paste the SPF record we generated for you
  7. Click on the Add Record Now! button
  1. Log in to your HostGator account
  2. On the Dashboard, click Launch cPanel
  3. Scroll down to the Domains section and click Advanced Zone Editor
  4. Open the instructions for the TXT record you want to add to your domain’s DNS records
  5. Under Add a Record, from the Type list, select TXT
  6. In the Name field, enter your domain name (which looks like
  7. In the TTL field, enter 3600
  8. In the TXT Data field, paste the SPF record we generated for you
  9. Click Add Record. The new TXT record now appears in the Zone File Records table.
  1. Log in to your Hostinger account
  2. In the header, click on Domains
  3. Next to the domain click on Manage
  4. Scroll down to the Advanced section and click on DNS Zone Editor
  5. Chose which domain’s DNS Zone you wish to manage
  6. Right on top of DNS Zone Editor, you will see a section for adding a new record
  7. For the Type dropdown select TXT
  8. For the Name field enter the @ character
  9. For the Content or Value field paste the SPF record we generated for you
  10. Once you're done click on Add Record
  1. Log in to your HostMonster account
  2. Go to the Domains menu at the top and click the Zone Editor sub menu
  3. Select your domain name from the drop-down
  4. Scroll to Add DNS Record at the top of the Zone Editor
  5. For the Name field type your domain name (
  6. For the TTL field enter 14400
  7. For the Type dropdown select TXT
  8. For the TXT Value field paste the SPF record we generated for you
  9. Click Add Record
  1. Log in to your InMotion Account Management Portal
  2. Under your account name, click the cPanel button. You will then be redirected and automatically logged into cPanel
  3. Locate the Domains section of cPanel and click on the Zone Editor icon
  4. Find your domain in the list under the Domain heading. Under the Actions heading, click on the Manage link that corresponds with the domain you want to create the record for
  5. Click the +Add Record drop-down menu button and select the option for the record you would like to add, in this case it's TXT
  6. Notice the page now includes fields to enter the details for the new TXT record at the top of the list. Enter the details of the record into the appropriate fields.
  7. For the Type dropdown select TXT
  8. For the Name field type your domain name (
  9. For the TTL field enter 900
  10. For the Record field paste the SPF record we generated for you
  11. To save your new record, click the Add Record button
  1. Log in to your JustHost account
  2. Go to the Domains menu at the top and click the Zone Editor sub menu
  3. Select your domain name from the drop-down
  4. Scroll to Add DNS Record at the top of the Zone Editor
  5. For the Name field type your domain name (
  6. For the TTL field enter 14400
  7. For the Type dropdown select TXT
  8. For the TXT Value field paste the SPF record we generated for you
  9. Click Add Record
  1. Log in to your Network Solutions account
  2. From the Network Solutions Account Manager, under My Domain Names, click Edit DNS
  3. Click Change Where Domain Points
  4. Select Advanced DNS and click Continue
  5. Scroll down to Text (TXT Records) and click Edit TXT Records
  6. In the first open Host field, enter @
  7. In the TTL field, leave the default value of 7200 (seconds)
  8. For the TXT field paste the SPF record we generated for you
  9. Scroll down and click Continue
  10. Click Save Changes to confirm the TXT record
  1. Log in to your OVH Control Panel
  2. Select Domains in the services menu on the left-hand side
  3. click on the domain, then go to the DNS Zone
  4. To add an SPF record, you should add a new entry in the OVHcloud configuration (DNS zone) of your domain. To do this, click on Add an entry.
  5. In the window that opens, you will be offered several types of DNS record. From here, there are two ways of adding an SPF record. Manually or using the SPF Wizard.
  6. choose Manually sine you have already obtained the required information
  7. From the record types offered, click on TXT
  8. In the Value field, paste the SPF record we generated for you
  9. To complete this action, click on Next
  10. Check that the information you have entered is correct, then click Confirm
  1. Log in to your Siteground account
  2. Click the Services tab
  3. Click the Hosting child tab
  4. Under your domain’s hosting plan, click Manage
  5. On the Plan Details page, next to the domain you want to verify, click Manage
  6. On the Website Details page, next to your domain, click Site Tools
  7. In the left column, click Domain and then DNS Zone Editor
  8. Under Create New Record, click the TXT tab
  9. Leave the Name field empty
  10. In the TTL field, leave the default value of 1 hour
  11. In the Value field, paste the SPF record we generated for you
  12. Click Create

Understanding SPF Records

SPF records help prevent email spam and protect your domain

An SPF record is a type of DNS record that stands for Sender Policy Framework. It is used to help prevent email spam by verifying that the sender of an email message is authorized to send email from the domain name that appears in the message's "From" field.

The way it works is by listing the authorized mail servers for a domain in the SPF record. When an email message is received, the recipient's mail server can check the SPF record for the sender's domain to see if the sending mail server is authorized to send email on behalf of that domain. If the sending mail server is not listed in the SPF record or is not authorized, the email can be marked as spam or rejected altogether.

Having a properly configured SPF record is important because it can help protect your domain and your email recipients from email spoofing and phishing attacks. It can also help improve email deliverability by reducing the likelihood that your legitimate emails will be marked as spam or rejected by recipient mail servers.

SPF Record FAQ's

Questions frequently asked by users regarding generating and configuring SPF records

What is an SPF record?

An SPF record is a type of DNS record that specifies which mail servers are authorized to send emails on behalf of a specific domain. It helps to prevent email spoofing and improves email deliverability.

Why is an SPF record important?

An SPF record is important because it helps to prevent email spoofing, which is a common technique used by spammers and phishers to send fraudulent emails that appear to be from a legitimate source. By publishing an SPF record, you are essentially telling email providers which servers are authorized to send emails from your domain, making it easier for them to identify and block spoofed emails.

How do I generate an SPF record?

To generate an SPF record, you need to identify all the mail servers that are authorized to send emails on behalf of your domain. This may include your own mail servers, as well as third-party services like email marketing platforms or cloud-based email providers. Once you have this list, you can use our SPF record generator tool or manually construct the record using the appropriate syntax.

What is the proper syntax for an SPF record?

The syntax for an SPF record typically starts with "v=spf1" followed by a series of mechanisms that specify the authorized mail servers. For example:

v=spf1 ip4: ~all

This SPF record indicates that the server with the IP address and any servers defined in the SPF record for are authorized to send emails for the domain. The "~all" part means that emails from other sources should be accepted but marked as potentially spoofed.

Where do I publish the SPF record?

The SPF record should be published in your domain's DNS zone file. The specific process for doing this will depend on your domain registrar or DNS hosting provider, but typically involves logging into a web-based control panel or using a command-line interface to add or modify the appropriate DNS records.